We Listened to the community and we are working towards a better facility in Croom Civic Centre
We are very excited that the work on the Civic Centre will start in December
The development of the Civic Centre will see the Civic Space moved to the first floor. The plans include further toilets for those visiting the very popular Croom Town Park. The Riverside Restaurant will have a much larger kitchen allowing for the preparation of meals from local raw ingredients. CCDA will be looking for a restaurant operator to lease the space. The restaurant space will consist of three interconnecting spaces which will allow for busy days. There will be the opportunity for the community of Croom to be able to host their special days in Croom.
Once reopened the Civic Centre will continue to offer secretarial services and open computers as well as our preloved book service to the community. With many new residents in Croom and lots of visitors, CCDA will be delighted to welcome everyone to the Civic Centre, the park and the town of Croom.
Croom Community Development Association – has raised funding for the project including from the LEADER fund. CCDA – will continue to fundraise over the coming months and would appreciate your support
This is very exciting for Croom - we will have facilities for the community which will be the envy of every town in the country
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